Eastshade Original Soundtrack Download Free

Leaving Eastshade. Once you have completed “Mother’s Last Wishes” you will get this quest; In Lyndow or Nava, someone will approach you with a letter and a free pass to get on any ship; Talk to the captain at the end of the Lyndow dock and she can take you home; Lyndow An Artist in Training. Eastshade Studios was founded in December 2013 when Danny quit his day job as a 3D environment artist in triple-A games to build a weird world (Eastshade). With collaborators sprinkled around the globe, we are committed to building worlds that feel like real places, explored through non-violent mechanics.

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  2. Eastshade Original Soundtrack Download Free Version

Eastshade is a beautiful game. Which, in the game, you are a traveling painter, exploring the island of Eastshade. Capture the world on canvas using your artist’s easel. This game is a nice relaxing game to play for someone who mostly plays FPS games.

Here is the Eastshade Walkthrough on Steam by Nelnardis

Main Quests

Help an Old Woman (Tutorial)

  • Bring her the book from inside the sleeping quarters

Mother’s Last Wishes (Main Quest)

Eastshade Original Soundtrack Download Free Torrent

  • Paint The Great Shade – pay 60 glowstones at the Toll Bridge to get there
  • Paint from the highest peak in the Restless Reach – complete “The Air Balloon” quest
  • Paint anywhere in the Tiffmor Bluffs – you’ll need a bloomsac raft or a reed boat
  • Paint the view from the very top of the university in Nava – you’ll need to complete “The Top of Nava” quest

Leaving Eastshade

  • Once you have completed “Mother’s Last Wishes” you will get this quest
  • In Lyndow or Nava, someone will approach you with a letter and a free pass to get on any ship
  • Talk to the captain at the end of the Lyndow dock and she can take you home


An Artist in Training

  • Talk to the little girl, Sanja, in the middle of Lyndow
  • Follow her to find some boards
  • Ask or look around for some fabric (talk to Doruk who is working in the docks and he will give you 6 fabric)
  • Use 2 boards and 2 fabric to make a canvas
  • Do a painting
  • Give her a canvas (optional)

Stuck in a Jug

  • In the house next to the Inn, talk to Eshan (he has a jug on his head)
  • Go and get Nika. She will most likely be in the Inn next door
  • Go back to Eshan with Nika
  • Go to Emine’s house down the stairs and across the courtyard to get some soap. Ask her about Eshan to get another quest called “An Unsuitable Parent” (“what’s the dirt?”).
  • Return to Eshan’s house and give the soap to Nika

An Unsuitable Parent

  • In the Stuck in a Jug quest, ask Emine on the gossip about Eshan
  • Report to The Sherrif in Nava or tell her to do it

A Prank of Pastries

  • Speak to Ennio across the bridge in Lyndow
  • Meet him in Nava at the Bakery
  • Talk to Sergio
  • Talk to Ennio (10 glowstones)

The Architect of Lyndow

  • Read the book on the upper floor of the Inn
  • Go to the Abandoned Tower at night (buy meadowspice mead from Nika if you don’t have a coat)
  • Talk to Ingov about the architect of Lyndow
  • Go inside and up the ladder to talk to Azad. Tell him about the book which praised his work
  • Meet Azad in Lyndow during the day
  • Paint him Lyndow, with the Inn, Gazebo and Town Hall within the frame (40 glowstones)

The Abandoned Tower

  • Approach the Abandoned Tower and try to open it
  • Talk to Ingov at night by the Abandoned Tower and ask him about the Architect of Lyndow

A Pompous Patron

  • Talk to Emerik who is sitting by the fire in the Lyndow Inn
  • Paint Emerik (25 glowstones)

Feathers for Quills

  • Talk to Yunus near the dirt path, just outside Lyndow
  • Give him 3 feathers (10 glowstones)

Art for a Fisherman

  • Talk to Najm by the Toll Bridge
  • Paint him the view from the gazebo in Lyndow (25 glowstones)

A Raft from Bloomsac

  • Become friends with Bojan
  • Give Onur a painting of the beach to learn how to make twine, one of the materials to make the raft

The Great Shade

A Rare Bird

  • Talk to Anika in her house
  • Bring her a painting of an owl. You can find one around The Great Shade – listen for the hooting (30 glowstones)

A Wounded Waterfox

  • Talk to the Park Ranger on the path near The Great Shade
  • Go to the cave with the Waterfox. It is behind him in the rocks
  • You can find the eggs in nests on the ground. Use eggs as bait in the wooden box inside the cave. Stand back for the waterfox to go in
  • Wait for the Park Ranger to rush in and heal the fox. He will show you how to make a tent

Cartographer’s Ink

  • Go to Kestrel’s Aerie, the Inn on the hill near The Great Shade Go upstairs and talk to the Cartographer.
  • Give her 4 inky caps and she will give you a map

A Strange Fortune

  • Use the zip trolley from the tower near The Great Shade to get to Roshanara’s tree house
  • Pick a blackthistle for her or refuse
  • Find 5 scragweed and bring them to her (20 glowstones)

Eastshade Original Soundtrack Download Free Version

Blushwood Forest

Chorus of the Night

  • Talk to Ranya inside her house (between the hot air balloon and Blushwood Forest
  • Find the drummers at night. You might want to use a tent as they do not come out every night. They are not far from Aysun’s tent, south of the shore of the lake
  • Return to Ranya
  • Go and talk to the librarian, Leela in Nava’s university library
  • Find the book in shelf C
  • Meet Alejo at midnight by Mudwillow’s Mirror
  • Give Alejo a painting of Nava’s skyline and go with him to his home (70 glowstones)

The Little Mice

  • Talk to Fynn in the garden of Ranya’s house
  • Bring him 7 sticks
  • Come back the next day
  • Visit K&K apothecary south of the Blushwood Forest
  • Return to Fynn (10 glowstones)

Second Chances

  • This quest follows on from “The Little Mice”
  • Talk to Anika in her house (on the road south of The Great Shade)
  • Return to Kai
  • Take the Hydrathisle to Zahra in one of the university bedrooms in Nava
  • Return to Kai with the results
  • Come back a few days later for your reward (30 glowstones)

Mudwillow’s Riddle

  • Near the edge of the lake on the Northern side, there is a mirror with a riddle. As soon as the eclipse is finished a light will shine from the mirror. Use the two mirrors nearby to direct the light to a wooden platform. Stand on the platform and you’ll fall through a trap door
  • The answer to the riddle is to paint the eclipse whilst standing by a structure on the Western side of the Blushwood forest, creating an eye.
  • Bring her the painting and she’ll give you Mudwillow’s Tincture

A Bitter Fish

  • Talk to Aysun by her tent at the side of the lake
  • Buy a fishing rod in Nava and then Fish for a thunder trout or buy one in Nava
  • Go to the dock on the Tiffmor Bluffs side of the lake, west of the Sinkwood Inn
  • Catch Old Pops using the thunder trout. He looks like a big sandfish in the water. Hold down the left mouse button to reel him in, but when the line turns orange let go or it will snap. Keep him or throw him back
  • Bring the wedding ring back to Aysun, and Old Pops if you have him (30 glowstones)

The Thief of Sinkwood Inn

  • Use the bloomsac raft to get to Sinkwood Inn, in the middle of the lake by Blushwood Forest
  • Talk to the Inn keeper Kevork. Behind the Inn outside, find the piece of paper floating in the water. Once you find this, talk to him a second time and he will give you the key to all the rooms
  • In Radmila’s room under the stairs there is a book with a number code in it. Use the code to open the box in Vadim’s room upstairs
  • Eventually Nikol will return and the real detective will also arrive soon after. The real thief is Helena. (40 glowstones)
  • Talk to the historian outside and he will give you the schematic for the reed boat


Admission into Nava

  • Talk to 3 people you have helped to get recommendations e.g. Nika, Park Ranger, Onur, Anika, Cartographer

A Marketplace Romance

  • Talk to Evelina near the entrance of Nava
  • Go to the market down the steps to find Leilani. Ask her about her favourite place
  • Return to Evelina and tell her to go to the hot springs
  • Return to Evelina a day later

Toxic Tubers

  • Talk to Tam by the entrance to Nava
  • Find the four people who bought the Toxic Tubers:
  • Pipa, near the indoor garden and a cart full of hay bales
  • Horf, outside the market building sitting on the ground
  • Jarrik, under a tree near the watermill
  • Leilani, in the market place
  • Return to Tam


  • Talk to Osha in Nava, down the street past the watermill
  • Do the quest “An Exclusive Club”
  • Return to Osha and give him the Roots password for the sealant

An Exclusive Club

  • On the Seltspring coast, talk to Halem on the beach
  • Do the quest “Mudwillow’s Riddle” to get Mudwillow’s Tincture
  • Use Mudwillow’s Tincture to find the necklace. Use the water in your inventory after you find the necklace, which is in the water nearby
  • Give Halem the necklace and he will give you the Roots password
  • Use the password to get into the Roots club in Nava

Tiem’s Command

  • Activate a “Save Our Goddess” poster in Nava
  • Find Samiya at the Obelisk in the Tiffmor Bluffs and accept the Antidote
  • Use the Antidote on the tea vine and tell Simaya (30 glowstones) OR tell the Roots Leader what Simaya asked you to do and give her the Antidote. As a reward you’ll get a book called “Ancient Brews” with 3 tea recipes

An Artist for Hire

  • Talk to the Art Dealer inside the marketplace and show him your paintings
  • Bring 3 paintings to Yevheniy in one of the university bedrooms

An Elixir of Life

  • Buy a bottle of Melek’s Elixir of Life
  • Sell the bottle to Zahra, who is in one of the university bedrooms (20 glowstones)
  • Find the 5 hot springs
  • Restless Reach
  • Seltspring Coast
  • Westerly Woodlands
  • Westspring Bluff
  • Howling Caverns
  • Return to Nava. Melek will approach you at the university. Give him the samples or give them to Zahra.
  • Wait for Zahra to finish her tests and then come back to her

The Top of Nava

  • Talk to the Guard in the middle of the upper floor of the university
  • Complete the Elixir of Life quest and Zarah will give you a pass

The Air Balloon

  • Talk to Pilot Nessa by her hot air balloon
  • Show her a painting of the hot air balloon
  • Paint a picture of her and the balloon in the air
  • Put up a poster in Nava (click on it in your inventory)
  • Return to Nessa and she will take you in her balloon to Restless Reach

Western Eastshade

Toma’s Apples

  • Talk to Toma at his farm
  • Follow the trail of apples and apple cores to some children in the woods
  • Return to Toma and tell him about the children (20 glowstones)
  • Find the West Tower on the Sandysnout Beach on the Western side of the forest
  • Use a reed boat to sail Northwards a bit to find the Hidden Cove – there is a camp and a broken bridge.
  • Complete the quest “Sheltered from the Wind”

Sheltered from the Wind

  • This quest is linked to Toma’s Apples
  • Talk to Tamik on the beach at the Hidden Cove, on the Western Shore of the Tiffmor Bluffs
  • Make a rope out of twine
  • Use the top of the bridge to attach the rope to it to rescue Tamik

Locked Box

  • Find the locked box in the Tiffmor Bluffs on the Western edge by using the zip trolley, climbing down the stairs by the cliff, or going down the zip line in the Gorge
  • Bring the locked box to Lady Samia in the university in Nava or the Park Ranger near The Great Shade
  • If you go to the Park Ranger, he will tell you to take the box to the Inn up the hill

Dormant in the Ice

  • Use the reed boat to sail up to Oceans Breath to the Excavation site
  • Talk to Commander Liliana and the rest of the crew
  • Sleep in the tent provided
  • Talk to the crew
  • Go into the cave
  • Use the boxes to reach the floating flame. You’ll need 4 or 5
  • Talk to Liliana

Paintings and Commissions


  • Give Nika a painting of the eclipse (20 glowstones)


  • A simple chicken – there are many chickens in Nava (15 glowstones)
  • A watermill – there is a watermill near the entrance of Nava (20 glowstones)
  • A portrait of despair – paint Horf just outside the market building sitting on the ground (15 glowstones)
  • A cob house in the country – you can paint Anika’s house (15 glowstones)
  • A lonely tower – paint any tower that’s not the one near Nava. There is one near The Great Shade, or use The Abandoned Tower (15 glowstones)
  • A small stone bridge – there is one by The Great Shade (15 glowstones)
  • A natural arch – there’s one made of rocks down the slope from the hot air balloon, or in the Northern Tiffmor Bluffs (20 glowstones)
  • A mountainous snowscape – paint in the Restless Reach (35 glowstones)
  • A windmill – paint one of the windmills in the Tiffmor Bluffs (25 glowstones)
  • The Tiffmor Ruins – paint the Tiffmor Ruins which is in the South of Tiffmor Bluffs (35 glowstones)
  • A starry cavern – paint the inside of the Howling caverns which you can get to via zip lines in the Gorge or go down the cliff steps on the Western side of the Tiffmor Bluffs (30 glowstones)
  • A cave of ice – paint the inside of the cave in Ocean’s breath. Use a boat to get there and do the “Dormant in the Ice” quest (50 glowstones)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 7 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 8 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

Eastshade – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 9 – Nava – No Commentary (PC)

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Like the player character in Eastshade, I began 2019 by closing a major chapter of my life and starting, in many ways, entirely fresh. Like them, I packed up my things and moved away from a familiar home on the heels of a particular personal tragedy. Like them, I traveled with the promise that in this new place I would find people, spaces, and resources to grow in my chosen trade.

There, the similarities between myself and the unnamed player character in Eastshade end. I’m not a painter; my new city isn’t a verdant island populated by talking bears and monkeys and gazelles; it does not have a secret underground tea drinking society (though if you know of one, you must tell me). I was not thinking, at this game’s release in February: “Oh, I am like this character and I should play this game to work through my emotions!” I was thinking that the screenshots on the Steam page looked awfully nice and that a game where you paint things might be interesting. I don’t know that it would have affected me the way it did had I gone in actively seeking self-reflection.

“The player is not the main character of Eastshade — Eastshade is the main character of Eastshade”

The player is not the main character of Eastshade — Eastshade is the main character of Eastshade. It is a game about a place, as developer Danny Weinbaum told us earlier this year. There is no world-changing plot, no tear-jerking emotional arc, no climax, no denouement. You arrive on the island of Eastshade, you spend ten or so hours falling madly in love with Eastshade, and then you leave Eastshade and that is the game.

And I think it’s probably difficult not to fall in love with Eastshade, at least if you’re the sort of person who’s open to picking up a game where you walk around and paint landscapes in the first place. For one, it’s lovely. Weinbaum’s background is in 3D environmental art, he appears to be quite good at it, and I’m glad circumstances lined up for him to make a game where he could showcase that.

At any given point as you traverse Eastshade you are either looking directly at a desirable landscape painting, or you’re about five steps to the left of one. Weinbaum was wise to limit the act of painting a picture to having enough of a resource (possibly the only truly “video gamey” part of the whole thing). If he had not, I would just be tiptoeing around the island for hours on end, stopping and painting every few steps — effectively what I did with the screenshot button anyway. You can’t not pause and gawk at everything. There are rolling hills dotted with turning windmills and terraced farmland and fluffy pink trees and a hot air balloon rising over a glacier and delicate forests surrounding gentle streams and a lighthouse by the sea and a sparkling city and this list was much longer before but I have to cut off the sentence eventually.

“There’s no benefit, no enjoyment to rushing. Why would you?”

No island, no city, no place is defined by its camera roll. As you traverse Eastshade (by foot or, later on, a ridiculous tiny wooden bicycle), you’ll encounter its delightful talking animal inhabitants. These are all ordinary folks dealing with ordinary troubles — no dragons or kings or unexplained murders or the usual adventuring fare. For a moment you suspect there’s a ghost, but it’s not a ghost after all. There’s a cult leader, but she’s mostly concerned about stopping people from drinking tea that turns the world funny colors. You can try to help a dysfunctional family if you feel compelled, but as you’re a total outsider that ends a bit sadly. There’s nothing much higher stakes than that.

I assisted a bear playing a harmless tart-swapping prank on his brother, helped an enthusiastic baker ask a cute shopkeep to be her girlfriend, and at one point sat perfectly still in an inn for five full minutes listening to a bard tell a local myth about a witch and her spider friends. Sitting still! For five whole minutes! For absolutely no in-game reward except the delight of hearing a story! I am still flabbergasted at the joyful audacity of this game to ask that of a player.

I would be remiss not to mention that all this is backed by a gentle, flowing soundtrack by Phoenix Glendinning that always seems to perfectly time its sweeping violin lifts with the moment I come over a new hill and see the sun rising from behind the mountaintops. I have listened to this soundtrack on repeat hundreds of times this year, usually while writing and drinking tea, as a true Eastshadian should.

The glory of Eastshade is the experience of being in it, of soaking in the sights and sounds and small stories that are around you. Though there are a few limiting factors to keep you from accidentally tripping over the end of the game too soon, for the most part the island just welcomes you to show up and stay as long as you like. The “goal” is to paint a handful of landmarks that were special to the player character’s departed mother, a task you can accomplish relatively quickly. But there’s no benefit, no enjoyment to rushing. Why would you? Eastshade revels in slowness and smallness, in appreciating the way light drips through the library windows or in waiting, waiting, waiting for the singular moment each day when the moon and sun line up in a perfect, rose-colored eclipse.

“Eastshade reminded me of the joy of being in a new place at a time in my life when I badly needed a nudge to venture out into the world”

There’s something beautiful and valuable about games that aren’t just good on their own, but good in the particular way you need in your life at the time you play them. I played Eastshade in a moment of transition. As I watched Eastshade grow smaller and smaller in the wake of the player character’s departing ship, winter was starting to thaw outside my apartment window and I was ready to venture out and learn to love the new city I found myself in. I don’t know that Eastshade necessarily transformed how I look at the world around me — I think it’s hard for any game to be life-altering in that way — but it did remind me of the joy of being in a new place at a time in my life when I badly needed a nudge to venture out into the world. For that, I think I’ll forever love the game, the “character,” and the place.

(I was told I could write around 1,000 words about Eastshade, and since a picture is apparently worth that many, I made a screenshot gallery to sneak in 26,000 more.)

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