Total War: THREE KINGDOMS - Eight Princes

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS game guide focuses on all Eight princes. These playable princes are Sıma Weı, Sıma Lun, Sıma Aı, Sıma Jıong, Sıma Yıng, Sıma Lıang, Sıma Yong, Sıma Yue. The guide focuses on who are they, what’s their playstyle, where’s their start positions and etc. While writing this instruction, we pick up many pieces of information from several sites for you. We hope that this guide will help you.

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – Eight Princes released for macOS and Linux shortly after Windows.

Each one is painstakingly drawn in Photoshop and takes an average of around eight days to complete (fun fact: for all the characters in Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – including Eight Princes – this works out as roughly 73 weeks of work altogether!). We’ll also be revealing the final art for one of the upcoming Eight Princes, Sima Yue. The Eight Princes in Total War: Three Kingdoms are all members of the Sima clan. The aforementioned Eight Princes include the following: Sima Jiong who uses “Control” as a unique resource.

The Eight Princes Chapter Pack is set 100 years after the events of Total War: THREE KINGDOMS, and features a new cast of playable factions led by the foremost princes of the Jin Dynasty. These Eight Princes offer feature substantially different campaign mechanics, focussing their playstyles in fascinating and unique ways

Eight Princes Guide




Sima Wei was one of the sons of Emperor Wu, original founder of the Jin dynasty, and was given military command of Jing province at the young age of 18. Known for his volatile temper, but also generous to the people and his troops, he joined Empress Jia in a conspiracy to overthrow Yang Jun. Now his troops are marching into Luoyang, establishing the political and martial pressure in the name of Empress Jia. Nevertheless, Sima Wei is loyal to the Jin, and will not hesitate to do what is best for the empire.


An aggressive expander, he will be able to field armies more efficiently and cheaply if he can maintain momentum. This means a big upkeep reduction and replenishment bonus when his Fury is high. Fury is his unique resource and represents his vigor, his tempestuousness and his spirit in defending the authority of the empire. Fury will make others wary and jealous, so it risks isolating him diplomatically, though his military power should be able to match this. He can also vent some of his energy into rewarding his followers through assignments and gifts.


Sima Wei is accompanied by his two trusted assistants, Qi Sheng and Gongsun Hong. Both are loyal to Sima Wei, and both share resentment against Sima Wei’s rival Sima Liang. Sima Wei can count on both, be it in military matters or in matters of political intrigue.


Sima Wei starts within grasp of the capital Luoyang, and his powerbase is well-established. He has two vassals, the Prince of Nanyang to the east, and the Prince of Ba to the west. While these can initially provide great support, they will eventually open new fronts against common enemies as well. Sima Wei’s starting commandery, Shangyong, is relatively secure and has a Master Weapon Craftsmen, but its terrain is mountainous and difficult to traverse. Therefore, as Sima Wei, it will be vital to extend your powerbase early in order to increase the extent of your military range.


For players who like to be driven forward at all times, and who not only want to feel rewarded themselves for taking risks, but who also like to share their spoils with their followers and comrades.




Sima Lun, Prince of Zhao and Sima Yi’s youngest son, was an egomaniac who was willing to go to any length to secure power. Historically, it was through his actions that the War of the Eight Princes started in earnest; having convinced Empress Jia to assassinate the crown prince, he then accused her of treachery and had her and her family killed. Although acting as regent to Emperor Hui at first, it was not long before he declared himself emperor, drawing the ire of the other princes and starting a cycle of war and betrayal that would shake the Jin dynasty for years to come.


Sima Lun is a self-serving schemer, willing to engage in subterfuge and treachery in order to acquire riches and power for himself – even if it means sacrificing the efficiency of his own administration! He builds ‘Subterfuge’ through acts of espionage and by developing his own corrupt judiciary building chain; having plotted sufficiently, he expends this resource in order to control other factions in diplomacy.


Sima Lun may delight in deviousness, but it is said that the true cunning behind his ambition lies in the hands of his trusted advisor, Sun Xiu! An inseparable pair, there are no depths to which Sun Xiu would not have his prince stoop in pursuit of wealth and power.


Sima Lun presides over the fertile lands of Shangdang and Ye, north of the Yellow River; securing the entirety of Shangdang and moving into the Taiyuan mountains will give him a solid power-base and source of income, removing his initial threat and allowing him to focus south towards the capital all the while. Sima Yong – the Prince of Hejian – is nearby, and although they begin on fair terms his opportunism poses a threat to Sima Lun’s ambitions. Prepare for war!


Any player looking to double-down on clandestine activity should embrace Sima Lun’s subterfuginous style, driven as it is by performing spy actions and enabling some powerful diplomatic chicanery. Being a sneak has never felt so good!




Sima Wei’s brother of the same mother (concubine Consort Shen), Sima Ai was praised by many for his filial piety. He supported Sima Wei in his coup against regent Sima Liang, and when Empress Jia had Sima Wei executed, Sima Ai was demoted as the supporter of a criminal. In subsequent years, he became known as a reformist, and as a diligent administrator with humility and great talent. Of all the princes, he was possibly most dutiful to the true Emperor Hui, despite his disabilities, and always paid him respect.

Sima Ai wanted to reform the government, and amid the constant flip-flop between centralised government and decentralised liberalism during the Later Han and early Jin periods, Sima Ai tried to be a driver for a modern approach to liberalism. The most poignant moment of Sima Ai’s life came at the end: before being burned to death as a traitor by the rebels Sima Ying and Sima Yong, he wrote a touching farewell letter to Emperor Hui.


Sima Ai was a political reformist and a filial administrator. As such, his playstyle is focused on the civic side and developing a reformed infrastructure. He is about focusing on a de-centralised government and liberal administration, represented by certain building choices. He will have to balance the need for centralised infrastructure with other elements and create a balanced approach to commandery management. If he can modernise the government successfully, he will be rewarded with better research rates, higher public order, a less corrupt government apparatus, and more efficient trade.


Huangfu Shang is one of Sima Ai’s closest advisors and military commanders. He fought various battles for his superior, while being rewarded with higher offices under Sima Ai’s superiority. Huangfu Shang was also rival of Li Han, who was the scheming lieutenant of Sima Yong.


As the Prince of Changsha, Sima Ai starts relatively far away from the capital in a good position. He also has a Master Armourer region in his control right at the start. To the north, the Yangtze river provides a good defence, but the terrain in the south is difficult to manoeuvre, so expansion will be difficult.


Sima Ai is for the player who focuses a lot on civic infrastructure, and who enjoys

administration of their commanderies. He is also for players who believe in political liberalism and who want to reduce direct state-driven control and its corruption.




Sima Jiong was a highly regarded young official who was once considered a proper heir, even to Emperor Wu, though he was eventually expelled from the capital. As an imperial prince, Sima Jiong had many imperial troops under his command, and as a well-regarded government official, he supported the initial coup against Empress Jia for the threat she formed to the existing power structure. He then allied against the initial ursurper, Sima Lun, and through the success of this alliance, Sima Jiong became increasingly abusive of his position and increasingly power hungry.


A most capable military commander and known for his domineering attitude, Sima Jiong works best when taking matters into his own hands. His resource – Control – is won through military feats and by building a network of judiciary buildings, but is diminished by having other characters take up ministerial positions within the faction: nobody can hope to be his equal in government! A balanced approach is possible however; by maintaining a high level of control, Sima Jiong can curb corruption and public order issues, though he risks dissatisfying his generals by denying them the promotions they desire!


Wang Bao was a government official and commander who tried to maintain order and lawfulness within the empire. He became a supporter of Sima Jiong and later gave some valuable historical accounts during the conflict between Sima Jiong and the alliance of Sima Ying, Yong, and Ai.


As the Prince of Qi, Sima Jiong has a powerful starting position owning properties in two different commanderies: The commandery of Beihai, a valuable breadbasket, and the entirety of Taishan commandery, including its trade port. After eliminating his initial opposition in Beihai, his position is relatively secure. The road to the capital is free, but he will have to be wary of the opposition of the other princes when heading towards the centre of the map. He will need to seek allies and choose his strategy wisely, or he will see himself isolated diplomatically.


Players who want the challenge of maintaining a faction where the true power lies largely in the hands of a single warlord should opt for Sima Jiong. He’s perfect for the decisive and domineering individual!




Handsome, but never considered the sharpest tool in the box, Sima Ying developed a good reputation as being filial and lenient, and for listening to the advice of his capable advisor Lu Zhi. As his influence grew however, he became power-hungry and arrogant, and increasingly involved in political schemes. It is unclear if this was due to Lu Zhi’s manipulation, or whether Lu Zhi was the one who actually kept him in control. He became the Prince of Chengdu when he was only 10 years old, but was later transferred to another office after disrespecting Emperor Hui’s son Sima Yu. He was placed in charge of the military defence post for the important city of Yecheng, which was a backwater, but an important breadbasket all the same.


Sima Ying knows his intellectual limitations, and thus relies on powerful advisors to lead his faction, an empowered council who have a wider impact on how the faction is run. This means that choosing the right ministers is of vital importance for Sima Ying, and powerful synergies can be created from combining the right characters for these offices.


Sima Ying starts with two trusted advisors. One is Lu Zhi, his loyal advisor, who some refer to as the key mind behind Sima Ying’s ascent to power. The other is Lu Ji, a former imperial chancellor of the Eastern Wu, who is a famous writer and literary critic. He also acts as one of Sima Ying’s military commanders.


Sima Ying starts in control of Chengdu Commandery, and is well-nested in one of the most prominent breadbasket regions in Ancient China. Consequently, his starting position is very secure and quite powerful. To the north and south, his neighbours are friendly, but conflict is brewing with the Princes in Hanzhong and Ba, both of which are friends with Sima Wei, so conflict between Sima Ying and Sima Wei might be unavoidable.

The humans delved far beneath the earth to find the mercy of the gods. What they found was never meant to reach the surface. Not on Midgard, nor any of the nine realms of Yggdrasil. Now their discovery wreaks havoc on their world, exploiting their technology, and leaving all in misery and decay. Through all their conquests and revelations they never stopped to consider that some things are buried for a reason.


Sima Ying is for players who know that a ruler cannot operate on his own. He is for those who believe that a wise ruler surrounds himself with capable allies and loyal followers, and allows these advisors to shape and direct the future of his faction.




When Emperor Wu died, Sima Liang – fourth son of the great Sima Yi – was denied the regency by the scheming Yang Jun, eager to maintain control over Emperor Hui for himself. Honourable and eager to avoid conflict, Sima Liang retired to his estates until, following a coup, Yang Jun was overthrown. Sima Liang was finally given an opportunity to help restore order. It was not long before the ambitious and fearful Empress Jia issued false orders to Sima Wei – Sima Liang’s great nephew – declaring Sima Liang a traitor and ordering his capture. Tragically, the tempestuous Sima Wei had Sima Liang executed after his capture, the first casualty of the War of the Eight Princes. One cannot help but wonder what might have been had Sima Liang made a stand…


Sima Liang is the rightful imperial regent, as decreed by the late Emperor Wu, but at every turn has had his efforts to establish peace and order thwarted by the ambitions of others. Now accused of treason by Empress Jia and hunted by his kinsman Sima Wei, he must re-establish his lawful jurisdiction over the people, thereby allowing him to expand without reprisal. He can achieve this maintaining a small but well-developed domain, growing tall whilst securing the cooperation of vassal princedoms to support his claim.


Sima Liang’s family cannot stand idly-by as he faces the repercussions of Empress Jia’s accusations of treachery! He is joined in his campaign by his two sons, Sima Ju – his heir – and Sima Cui, both eager to help restore their father’s reputation and oust the corrupt from power.


The Prince of Runan presides over his lands south of Luoyang, the local mines providing a steady stream of industrial income. His lands are under threat however; in the wake of his branding as a traitor, he now finds himself beset from the west by the princes of Nanyang, Shunyang and Jiangling, and with Sima Wei only a short march away. As such, he must look eastward for support: Cao Huan, the last emperor of Wei and now Prince of Chenliu, is a man of honour who may be eager to support Sima Liang’s restoration.


Sima Liang’s playstyle is suited to those who wish to grow tall, preferring slow expansion and a focus on establishing one’s lawful right to rule and developing one’s domain whilst creating a network of vassals to help establish a strong position in the world.




Known for finding skilled associates and assistants, Sima Yong had the reputation of being a capable military commander and a good defender, and was tasked with the defence of the city of Chang’an. Sima Yong had a good reputation among other government officials, and was cited as a “great example of filialty”, but later showed more shrewd characteristics by switching sides in various conflicts. He’s one of most experienced leaders (military and civic) among the eight princes, having taken his office in 277.


Sima Yong is a commander and knows how to exploit the military even for civic purposes. Despite his experience, he needs to be mindful and take the right precautions – he won’t find victory in this conflict by rushing into glorious battle. Instead, calculated security and utilising his military to boost the infrastructural development of his commanderies are the keys to Sima Yong’s success.


One of Sima Yong’s most trusted advisors is Zhang Fang, one of the most prominent military generals and commanders during the war of the Eight Princes. Zhang Fang is hightly capable, but is known to make sacrifices whenever it serves his cause – he famously deported and slaughtered 10000 slaves and fed them to his troops.


Total War: THREE KINGDOMS - Eight Princes

Sima Yong starts in the north-east, in Pingyuan commandery, a potent industrial centre of salt production. Sima Yong is at war with the Prince of Zhangwu, in Bohai commandery to the north, which invites an early expansion northwards and makes consolidation of the north a valid early-to-mid game strategy. Later on, Sima Yong will want to turn southwards, towards the capital, to compete with the other princes – most prominently Sima Lun.


Sima Yong encourages a conservative and defensive playstyle where you progress cautiously, while building up your defences and your infrastructure. Your settlements will generally be better protected from enemies, and you can use your military to make developing your infrastructure more efficient.




Sima Yue

Sima Yue is an efficient bureaucrat and shrewd powermonger who mastered the political game better than the other Princes. He used the intricacies of the court, and his own machinations, to not only outmanoeuvre his rival princes, but also to contain the power of the Emperors Hui and Huai. As a cousin of the Jin dynasty’s founder Emperor Wu, his tenure as Prince of Donghai began in 291, and during the war of the eight princes, he held numerous offices in the capital and within the Jin government.


Sima Yue is about exercising his authority and maintaining his political influence. This is measured by his ‘Influence’ resource, which he can accumulate by overseeing local government through powerful assignments, performed by the most influential people within his faction. He also has two unique government positions that increase the efficiency of his administration. Even though military is not his focus, he will have to be mindful not to be bested on the battlefield, as defeat in battle will diminish his Influence. High Influence means bonuses to construction and settlement development, and a faster pace for implementing reforms.



Sima Yue is accompanied by his loyal officer, He Lun, who stayed by his side throughout the whole conflict. Equally, Princess Pei, Sima Yue’s wife, is worth mentioning as a character full of resilience and resolve. She was eventually enslaved, had to flee multiple times, and was ultimately executed by her political enemies.

Total War: Three Kingdoms - Eight Princesses


As the Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue controls Donghai commandery, a good food producing area with a fishing port and a well-developed city. His initial enemies lie to the west, and conflict with the Prince of Pengcheng can lead to an important extension of Sima Yue’s power-base into central China. From here, control of the empire lies within his grasp, but with great opportunity come great danger…


Sima Yue is for the politically minded, who like to control government and administrative aspects of rulership. As Sima Yue, you will have to concern yourself with maintaining your influence across your realm, and with managing the various positions and tasks for your government officials.

This is the ending of Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Eight Princes Guide. Hope it will help you. If there is wrong or you have suggestions, please let’s know and comment us. Have fun.


Sima Liang

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